Jen Vazquez Media

Brand Your Way  & WordPress Web Design

Jen Vazquez Media is owned by Pinterest Management Expert, Jen Vazquez. As a Brand Your Way client, she purchased the largest package so we could create a diverse brand package that exuded joy, passion, femininity, and strength. After 2 years of people raving about her brand, she was ready to work together to build a dynamic WordPress website. 


– Brand Fonts –

Logo Font & Main Headings – Brigidha

Sub Headings – Fjalla

Body Font & Captions – Fira Sans
Cheesecake candy canes sesame snaps jelly-o jujubes tootsie roll pie. Bonbon jujubes cookie candy canes sesame snaps. Soufflé chocolate bar candy powder gummies tart lollipop. Brownie toffee marshmallow shortbread. Cake jelly-o soufflé jujubes cotton candy pie jelly-o. Gummies powder dragée Chupa Chups lollipop. Gummi bears halvah wafer topping macaroon cake danish cupcake. Bonbon jujubes cookie candy canes sesame snaps. 

– Brand COLORS –

CMYK: 0,14,17,0

CMYK: 0,4,7,2

HEX: #D75A78
CMYK: 0,58,44,16

HEX: #F8957C
CMYK: 0,40,50,3

CMYK: 0,12,12,0

HEX: #E1B675
CMYK: 0,19,48,12

Web Design

Jen wanted a website that perfectly captured the essence of her dynamic marketing agency. Offering marketing management services, coaching, and brand photography, she needed a site that not only showcased her expertise but also reflected her personality and aligned with her branding. Most importantly, she wanted a seamless way to communicate how she helps her ideal clients through her diverse services. Take a look at what we created for her below!


“My brand is more polished and gives me even more confidence to book more clients.”

“I truly didn’t think that a branding service would be totally me. I’ve tried long and hard to find colors and logos that fit me, but I’m not an expert and would hate anything I did. I found that your questionnaires and the timing of how things happened made it seem super simple, easy, and enjoyable. I truly didn’t imagine that would be the case. I feel that my business is now refreshed and thoroughly me. My brand is more polished and gives me even more confidence to book more clients and grow my business. I am so excited now that my branding is down and I want to go all in next year on my whole website and learning platform so your designer eye is on every piece of my business!”

Jen Vazquez


You can be next!

Are you ready to lay the foundation for growth in your business by defining your brand and building a client-attracting website? The first step is to schedule a FREE consultation. We’ll discuss your business & brand vision in just 30 minutes. This no-commitment meeting is the perfect time to get the ball rolling on your creative & techy projects so that you can be my next client success story!