Debra D Wood Brand Your Way Project Debra D Wood, is a veteran entreprenuer with several successful businesses. She reached out to have her branding professionalized for her new confidence coaching business. She wanted something bold and energetic that had ties to...
Brand Your Way
Holistic Nurse Mastery Coaching
Holistic Nurse Mastery Coaching Brand Your Way Project Mary Terdich, is a fertility / pregnancy health coach as well as a long time Juice Plus affiliate. She wanted a fun energetic brand that would compliment the marketing for her Juice Plus products & still...
Legacy & Mirth Bookkeeping
Legacy & Mirth Bookkeeping Brand Your Way Project Legacy & Mirth Bookkeeping is the brand behind QuickBooks extraordinaire Melissa Faby. Melissa is my bookkeeper and was interested in professionally defining her brand identity. She had struggled with the...
Johanna Gonzalez Coaching
Johanna Gonzalez Coaching Brand Your Way Project Johanna Gonzalezis a wellness and mindset coach helping women to improve their overall lifestyles. She decided to book Brand Your Way to establish her new coaching brand, Johanna Gonzalez Coaching. She wanted a brand...
Bluestone Bookkeeping
BlueStone Bookkeeping Brand Your Way Project BlueStone Bookkeeping is owned by Crystal Lew. She reached out to do a rebrand of her logo since she only had one variation and wasn’t in love with it. Brand Your Way was the best option for this situation. During her week...
Do Good Leadership
Do Good Leadership Brand Your Way Project Do Good Leadership is the brand for Dr. Stephanie Duguid, who specializes in women's leadership development, keynote speaking, & consulting! During her Brand Your Way week, she wanted a bold, empowering brand that...