New State, New Services

New State, New Services

We moved!!  I have to take a moment to celebrate the fact that we are finally settled into our new home in Connecticut! We bought it without seeing it in person, and thankfully, we love it. This month we will be tackling a few renovation projects, mainly A LOT of paint but it has all the space we need including a legit office for my work! I can't...

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Professional Headshots vs. Brand Lifestyle Photography

Professional Headshots vs. Brand Lifestyle Photography

I get compliments all the time on my marketing photos. People wonder how I get such great shots. The truth is I paid my genius brand photographer, Emily Kim to hook me up with swoon-worthy branded lifestyle images. Boy did she deliver.  I then often get asked what are lifestyle brand photos and how do they differ from headshots. Which is then...

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Sales Page vs. Full Website: What’s the Difference?

Sales Page vs. Full Website: What’s the Difference?

I get new website requests all the time, but I quickly realize my client actually needs a sales page & doesn't know it... There are a lot of factors to consider about how you will market your business or offer online. It can be difficult to know where to start. Two popular options are sales pages and websites, but what is the difference...

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Free Offers Will Increase Your Income

Free Offers Will Increase Your Income

Wouldn't you love it for dreamy leads to be whipping out their credit card daily to pay you for your offers? Here's the secret! They can!! You have to set your business up to do just that. But here is the thing. It is rare for a completely cold lead to just hand over their money. You have to warm them up, which is why free offers can be a massive...

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Hey there, I´m Megan

This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about branding, web design & lead generation. I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you improve your marketing & reach your business goals. If you need a little more hands-on help or guidance, I am ready to help you develop a plan to reach your goals when you are.



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