Save Time & Make More Money with Canva

Save Time & Make More Money with Canva

Wouldn't you Love to Save Time in Canva? What if I told you that if you know how to use Canva well, you could actually make MORE MONEY in your business? Well, it is absolutely true! But before I dive into that, let me get something off my chest. I am a lazy marketer. There, I finally admitted it publically! I spend my days creating content for...

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Why High Conversion Rates Matter for Small Businesses

Why High Conversion Rates Matter for Small Businesses

I have a new obsession. Conversion Rates.  You know, those magical numbers that determine whether your website visitors are turning into loyal customers or just passing by. They are super crucial for our success online as small business owners. Understanding & using the data to our advantage will ultimately mean more sales in the long run. ...

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Small Biz Must Have: Brand Marketing Coach

Small Biz Must Have: Brand Marketing Coach

You can't do it all.  Even as a brand and web strategist, it took me 4 years to really learn how to build a sustainable business. I went 3.5 years without any real guidance. Let me tell you, it didn't go that well. Sales were trickling in.  I finally decided to go out and get my own mentor to learn the things I didn't know how to do and that was...

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You Can Solve Your Business Problems

You Can Solve Your Business Problems

A lot my clients have given up on their business. Honestly, that is the reality of being a small business owner. Some say upwards of 80% of small businesses fail within the first year. As a branding designer, I work with ALOT of new business owners and I can 100% believe this number. It is a stat that I hate because I know that more businesses...

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Hey there, I´m Megan

This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about branding, web design & lead generation. I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you improve your marketing & reach your business goals. If you need a little more hands-on help or guidance, I am ready to help you develop a plan to reach your goals when you are.



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