Not a designer? Then don’t DIY your logo. 

It may sound harsh, but it truly is not worth it. As a small business owner, it can be tempting to save money by designing your own logo. However, there are many reasons why this is not a good idea. But what it comes down to is that you will be limited by your abilities and your knowledge and do you really want that to be a factor when developing the backbone of your marketing and the face of your business? Just because you know how to brush your teeth doesn’t make you a Dentisit and knowing how to use a hammer does not mean you have any business building an entire house. The same can easily be said for graphic design and creating logos. 

So here are five reasons why you shouldn’t DIY your logo and the benefits of hiring a professional designer:

#1 – Lack of Design Experience:

Designing a logo requires more than just a basic understanding of graphic design software. It requires a deep understanding of color theory, typography, and branding. A professional designer has the experience and expertise to create a logo that not only looks good but also accurately represents your brand. Plus we can ensure it is functional and versatile so that it will be easy to use in your marketing.

#2 – Inconsistent Brand Identity:

A DIY logo may look great at first, but it is unlikely to be consistent with the rest of your brand’s visual identity. This can make your brand appear unprofessional and make it harder for customers to recognize and remember your business. A professional designer will create a logo that fits seamlessly into your overall brand identity.

#3- Legal Issues:

There are legal considerations to keep in mind when creating a logo. For example, using a font or graphic that you don’t have the rights to can result in legal trouble down the road. A professional designer will make sure your logo is legally sound and that all necessary permissions are obtained. This point alone is the main reason I NEVER create logos in Canva. They are not able to be trademarked. The second you use an item from their elements library, you have lost the rights to own your logo because you  don’t own the rights to the items you inside their elements panel according to their terms and conditions.

#4- Limited Design Options:

When you DIY your logo, you are limited by your own design skills and software capabilities. A professional designer has access to a wider range of design tools and techniques, giving us the ability to create a logo that is both unique and professional-looking.

#5 – Poor Quality:

Finally, DIY logos often look unprofessional and lack the polish of a professionally designed logo. This can damage your brand’s reputation and make it harder to attract new customers. While you might think you can make one design look decent, do you know the right proportions it should be? What about all the color variations you need or the varying file types? These details are often missed by someone who DIY’s their logo and are a huge mistep when developing a brand. A professional designer will create a logo that is both visually appealing and representative of your brand while ensuring you have all the tools you need to maximize it. 

In conclusion:

While it may be tempting to save money by designing your own logo, it is not recommended. The benefits of hiring a professional designer far outweigh the costs. A professional logo will accurately represent your brand, be legally sound, and look professional. Don’t take shortcuts when it comes to your brand – invest in professional design that you can use for years to come! If you need help creating the perfect brand kit for your business, (logos, colors, fonts) schedule a no pressure free consult to discuss how we can work together to bring it to life.

Update January 2024:

Logos are such an imporant part of your branding tool kit and if you unlock their true power you can set yourself up for martketing success. Check out my FREE masterclass all about the Power of Logos where I break down everything you need to know about logos & how to utilize them properly. As well as all the strategies that go into designing a functional set so you can see the real benefit of hiring a designer and never DIYing your logo again! 


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